Friday 2 April 2010






The Whole Purpose Of This Site Is To Help You In Making An Educated & A Well-Informed Decision When Deciding On Which Bodybuilding Program To Buy And Workout With. There's NO B.S. Just The Honest Truth

From: An Eager Body Builder
 RE: Results From My Testing With Multiple Bodybuilding Programs Online
Hey, if you're not one of my regular readers, then I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself....and also give you my honest opinion on which one program really has over-delivered and lived up to its hype! I've found there are very few that usually do, so it is refreshing to finally find one that actually does! You may have heard of it, it's the Bodybuilding 4 Idiots system by Arun Chase .

But Before I Give You My Review....Let's Get Back To Me.... a few years back I was a really a skinny hardgainer who found it hard to put muscle on AND UNLIKE a lot of skinny guys who have a sort of mini sort of six pack going, my stomach had no definition.

I struggled with confidence, especially when it came to speaking to women or getting into my swimming shorts for the beach! Plus my friends and family would tease me or tell me I need to eat more! They really didn't understand that it was down to my genetics!!

Anyway to cut a long story short, I decided to embark on a mission to get bigger, gain more muscle and try and get a shredded phsique. My first point of call was the internet as I couldn't afford a personal trainer. I knew I needed a program to follow that knew what it was talking about! That understood what I needed! Because, at that point in time, I didn't have any clue in what to do!! So I found a program that I thought looked good on the net, and started a fitness regime.

That was around 3 years ago now. Since then I've been through literally every emotion imaginable. Frustration... anger... and finally jubilation; although the 'frustration' and 'anger'' lasted for the first three years whilst I was desperately trying to discover a system that actually worked! Yes, that first system was a complete disaster and so for the other 15 I bought and tested!

Eventually, after a lot of hard work, I worked it out and ever since then I haven't looked back... and in the next few moments, I can hopefully advise you on how to do the same!
Here's The Problem

See, nowadays, trying to find a great bodybuilding program online is even more difficult and confusing than it used to be. There are so many programs on the market to choose from, with different styles of training and unless you have the time and money to test them all out, you're basically going to go round in circles, left confused....and potentially lose a lot of money, like I did initially!

And this is the exact reason why a few weeks ago, I decided to put up this website and tell you about my experience!
What I Discovered

Well out of the 16 programs I tested, the truth was, most of them were utter garbage and a few could even be described as "scams".. In fact, out of all them, only 2 actually delivered great content.

Unfortunately though, 1 of these just delivered great content on muscle growth and NOT on how to destroy fat or get ripped! And to get muscular & shredded you require the ability to complete BOTH, so the information felt a bit incomplete!
That left just 1 program. But this 1 program really over-delivered on the content (more than the one which specialized in muscle growth) and delivered phenomonal results! This one system was specialist in really growing hard rock muscle but also a specialist in getting ripped too, it was 2-in-1! This was the system that got me my results and also the system that caused my jubilation!! So....


By Arun Chase
My Review
Arun Chase is the writer behind the scenes and is a well known bodybuilding expert in the industry. BUT if you haven't heard of him before, it won't be long, as his program is taking the fitness industry by storm.

After initially checking the site out, it was immediately apparent that this site was different from the rest. It looks a lot more profesional, and seemed more secure and trustworthy. After all it is sold via clickbank, one of the web's top payment processors.
After reading Arun's story, I really felt I could relate! And unlike most others, Arun had been through the same issues as me if not worse! He was thin and puny, yet had a pot belly, but disovered a way out! I'll let you read his full story, you can go and read it at

So I went ahead and purchased myself a copy at it's heavily discounted price! Going through the payment process is smooth and easy, and I got immediate access to the whole program, which comes with 9 incredible bonuses.

I had already heard about the BB4I system, and all the hype around it, just like you probably have! But I really wasn't prepared for what happened next! As I entered into the system, I was gobsmacked! It was not like anything I've ever seen.

It is really easy to navigate through, and rather than just providing you with a one page download page, it is simple to find the download and content you are looking for, with the great navigation links provided.

As I've already mentioned, this wasn't "just a muscle building program" or "just a fat loss program", like most systems out there. He has provided 2 full systems in 1, within his "Pack Muscle, Destroy Fat" manual, which is a full 252 pages long! He also provides a small program booklet, which is a step-by-step action plan of what you need to do!
It covers everything from biology to cardio workouts, weight-lifting, nutrition, motivation, evaluation, the truth about supplements AND great practical tips, to make it easy for you to stick to your program and put the theory into practice.
Everything is really easy to understand and use, plus is backed by scientific explanations, which really can help you understand WHAT you are doing and WHY you are doing it. Most other systems don't tell you this, because they think you are stupid to understand!
In addition his extra 9 FREE tools and bonuses increase your chances of success. These are no ordinary bonuses or garbage that other programs provide, but actually add AMAZING VALUE which you will find you actually use!
These include his "Kill Laziness, Drive Bodybuilding Motivation" book, "How To Evaluate Your Body & Results" book, "Tweaking To Your Body Type" manual (which is fantastic, it allow you to adjust the program to your specific body type and speed your results up and increase the likleyhood of your success), The Automatic "Metabolic Calculator & Nutrition Generator" (great software) , "Bodybuilding 4 Idiots Workout Grooves" (music to listen to whilst your training), the "Fat Shredding Intensity Calculator", his "Top Secret Fitness Gear & Supplement Files" (reviewing the top fitness products on the market) and much much more!
He has thought of absolutely everything that you would need to get the results you are looking for and GIVEN IT TO YOU!

My only real negative is that he over delivers. There is a lot of great content which will take you around a week or two to complete reading. I hope that in the future he looks to provide this in audio or in videos (he has offered FREE LIFETIME UPDATES AS WELL!! ).
However, if you are still worried, Arun has made this into a COMPLETE NO BRAINER!!! In my opinion he is insane to offer this, but he has backed it with a 60 day full, no questions asked, money back guarantee! So if you are not satisfied, he'll give you every last cent back! BUT as a present for trying, he'll even let you keep the whole system for FREE. That's a guaranteed gain no matter what!

The Program Highlights Summarized....
  • This is NOT just a "Muscle Building" program OR just a "Fat Shredding" program, this is an ALL IN ONE! It has EVEYRTHING you need to get a muscular And shredded physique!
 • Works on everything including , motivation, evaluation, cardio, weight-lifting and nutrition! 
  • Arun backs up the program with easy-to-understand scientific explanations, which helps improves your technique AND allows you to understand WHAT you are doing and WHY you are doing it! Most other programs think you are too stupid to understand!
  • Arun understands what it is like to be skinny and explains how you can defeat your skinny hardgainer genetics!
  • It is Really easy to understand and navigate through! Thats a big positive in my book. Other programs are usually a bunch of waffle!
  • Comes with 9 incredible bonuses including UNLIMITED LIFETIME UPDATES, which you will actually USE, and not put up on the shelf!
  • Has a 60 day FULL money back guarantee, and if you do return it within 60 days, you can keep the whole system for free!

So Is It The Best Bodybuilding Program At The Moment??!!
Well, I don't recommend much, but In my opinion, this is at the top of the pile, as one of the best I've ever seen and is at a stupidly discounted price! Plus this is the one program that has helped me achieve the results I've wanted! You can do the same! So before the prices does go up, I strongly suggest you go and check it out! Plus what have you got to lose with the 60 days money back guarantee!

Click the link below NOW!

By Arun Chase

By Arun Chase

DISCLOSURE: I am an affiliate for Arun's Bodybuilding 4 Idiots Product. If you purchase his system through my link, my company will earn a small commission.
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